

Product CriteriaProducts will be designed to “Help the skin help itself™” on the basis of skin histology and the way the skin was intended to function without chemical interference. The products must follow the Hippocratic Oath and “Do No Harm”.Contact Us >


Product/Marketing ProfilesClarify with client the product line profile and market viability, including the initial launch and future product line extensions.Contact Us >


Research & Product DevelopmentSelect active, unique ingredients that will support the performance criteria and provide a marketing or product story.Contact Us >


Sample DevelopmentLab samples will be provided on all selected products upon completion of pertinent research and formula directives given to our bench chemist. New products development will bear a fee of $750 (includes 3 re-formulations).Contact Us >


BudgetingOur formula recommendations will be based upon your budget for cost of product. We will recommend packaging suppliers according to your cost parameters. We are happy to give you recommendations on selling prices based on target markets.Contact Us >


Packaging SupportAssist client with source packaging options based upon short and long term volume projections, budget allocations, timelines and availability of containers and closures. We are happy to recommend label and silk screening suppliers.Contact Us >


Efficacy & Micro-Challenge TestingOutside testing is available at an additional charge through a third party lab. Your request for additional testing will be quoted on a per product basis. We will coordinate all such tests that you request.Contact Us >


Unlimited Product OptionsWe can produce a very wide range of product lines. Skin Care Products, Body and Personal Care Products, Hair Products and more.Contact Us >


Marketing Support: Features & Benefits DevelopmentDevelop draft of products ‘Features & Benefits’ for client’s copywriters.Contact Us >


Educational Support: Training for Corporate TeamWe are available to provide conference call support to train your corporate team on your product line and ingredients.Contact Us >